Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Fall Ya'll!

Last night with our friends the Hammarlunds and the Nevels, we went to pick out our pumpkin.  I had never gotten a pumpkin from an actual FARM before!  This was just another reminder that I was no longer in Florida and was a GEORGIA girl! :) 

It was a lot of fun.  Josh and I found a cute pumpkin weighing 17 lbs.  The farm had a lot of other activities including a corn maze that you slide down a hay slide to get into, a hay ride, a pumpkin slingshot, etc.  We got there a little late so we just got our pumpkins and left.  We all agreed this would be a yearly tradition and that we would go earlier next year to participate in all the fun activities.

We got home and I made chili and rice which everyone tells me they really enjoy... even picky L.A will eat my chili!  She said it is the only chili she will eat!  We had lots of pumpkin treats, sat on the deck by the fire pit, and carved our pumpkins!  Believe it or not, this was the FIRST pumpkin Josh and I ever carved together!  I cheated and bought the kit you can trace your picture on the pumpkin with.  We made a silly face and it turned out really cute.

Today, Lindsay Ann and I picked up our bibs for our HALF MARATHON TOMORROW!  I am so nervous/excited.  It is the first half marathon in Athens and there are 2,000 runners participating! We drove the route we will run after we left picking up our bibs and there is a HUGE hill right at mile 13!   AH!

Our friend Bailey is sweet enough to cook us a carb filled meal at her house tonight.  I plan to go home and REST after that!  Say big prayers for me tomorrow!  The race starts at 7:00 a.m.

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